Velyna's Tornado Inquisitor Gearing (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)
Item Searches
- Small Cluster Jewel – If you are having trouble fitting all the auras you can do 3 added passives.
- Medium Cluster Jewel – The classic basics of pain+pressure points.
- Large Cluster Jewel – This has only Doryani’s Lesson selected, edit the search to turn on the other 2.
- Forbidden Flesh/Flame – Before getting the forbidden, use an Enduring Composure cluster for endurance charges.
Glorious Vanity: Starter / Endgame
Crown of the Inward Eye will be your helm forever once you acquire it, only being upgraded with a reservation corrupt later on. This helm scales both our armour and ES while granting damage as well.
There are a few choices here, I like to go with a crafted rare amulet just because it makes capping spell block much easier. If you manage to cap spell block without the essence craft on amulet, you can easily wear Replica Dragonfang's Flight or
Ashes of the Stars forever.
Two recommendations here, both work a bit different from the norm so I will explain both.
The first is Dialla's Malefaction, which allows you to place gems in sockets of any color, and buffs each gem based on the color of the socket it is in. Our main skill and Empower get +2 levels from red sockets, other supports get 30% quality from green sockets. This can also be corrupted for another +1 and/or +2.
Next up, Skin of the Loyal. This is a much more defensive option since both armour and energy shield are increased by the global defenses mod. For this one make sure to buy it with the correct colors because you cannot change them. Can also be corrupted for an additional +1/+2 but it’s much harder to achieve due to requiring correct colors.
Using Stormshroud it’s very easy to achieve ailment immunity between boots and jewels. Early on when you run two abyss jewels, Muttering Essence of Torment work fine. When you drop an abyss, you need 50-55% shock avoid on boots so at least
Shrieking Essence of Torment are needed. The implicit are added with Eldritch Currency.
Eldritch implicits are the only interesting thing here, otherwise just high life/armour/ES values and as much resist as possible. For a more defensive option, replace the mark effect with ‘spells hinder on hit’.
Stygian base for the jewel socket, we make good use of it. Look for high life then either ES or armour (or both), then resists.
Ring 1
Circle of Guilt can be very good with the right mods, mainly the “increased buff effect” and “increased physical damage while affected by”. Both of these are substantial DPS increases, and it can also roll with useful implicits like the ones shown below. Don’t try to get this exact ring, just the two main mods and then whatever implicits you can find.
Ring 2
I like amethyst rings for the chaos, and I chose to get my dexterity requirement on this slot. Otherwise just high life and resists with open prefix to craft cost reduction.
This is an insane wand, don’t try to get this exact one, but these are generally the mods you want. Any +level, spell crit or crit multi, cast speed, flat damage, spell damage.
Avoid specific % increases, such as “40% increased lightning damage”, because these will only apply to 1/3 of your tornados.
Aegis Aurora, that’s it. As an armour/ES based build that uses a shield you need a good reason not to run this. Eventually, buy one corrupted with either spell block or reduced critical damage taken, otherwise, this is your shield forever.
A very important slot defensively! Shock is one of the worst debuffs in the game, I aim to hit 100% shock avoidance ASAP because it makes you immune to the shocked ground you find in maps. When you eventually buy Stormshroud, this turns into 100% avoidance for all elemental ailments.
Watchers Eye
Hatred critical strike chance is the best DPS option by far, the Zealotry consecrated ground damage and crit mods work also but are situational. Hatred flat damage is ok but not great.
Defensively there are more options with Determination offering reduced crit damage, phys damage reduction, armour, or curse protection. In addition, Vitality has two regen mods that are both decent.
Stormshroud makes you immune to all elemental ailments if you have 100% chance to avoid being shocked. That includes ground pools such as the ones from map mods.
Glorious Vanity
People get confused by these jewels, but we’ll keep it simple and just provide search links up top of this page.
For a basic explanation, these jewels can change nodes within their radius.
The name determines what keystones will change to, in our case the jewel has to say “Doryani” because we do want a specific one.
The number is a seed that tells you how the notables (medium sized nodes) will change.
We are looking for a jewel that has an energy shield leech node, and some amount of spell block.
Cluster Jewels
Large: Must be 8 added passives and must have Doryani’s Lesson, that’s all you need in this slot to start out. Until you get Doryani’s Lesson you are stuck using The Highwayman for life leech.
Medium: 4 or 5 Passive with Basics of Pain and Pressure Points. The classic big damage crit clusters. these get better the more crit you have, and they give a lot of it themselves. Expensive at first but don’t forget about them.
Small: 2 Passives on a reservation efficiency base. Can be Righteous Path, Uncompromising, or Spiteful Presence.
Don’t miss the powerful lowlife mod!
Use your utility flasks for ailment protection in the early game, like the ones in Leaguestart PoB.
The ruby flask is important for running Righteous Fire, because it reduces the damage we take and increases our regen at the same time.
Before getting the uniques just run normal diamond and amethyst flasks.