Velyna's Storm Brand Inquisitor Gearing (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)
Item Searches
- Watchers Eye – The vitality life gain on hit works with spells and is great for sustain, I go for that plus a damage mod at first. Later you can do multiple damage mods here.
- Small Cluster Jewel – Enduring Composure with 2 passives. Don’t miss this, it’s a big part of the defenses.
- Medium Cluster Jewel – 4-5 Passives with Basics of Pain and Pressure Points.
- Large Cluster Jewel – 8 Passives with Doryani’s Lesson and Snowstorm. You can upgrade later to one with Overshock as well.
Glorious Vanity: Starter / Endgame
Crown of the Inward Eye will be your helmet for a long time, it gives us everything we need. Also has many desirable corrupt outcomes. In the endgame, will craft a helmet like this one.

- Buy an ilvl 83
Blizzard Crown
- Use
Perfect Fossil until near 30% quality.
- Buy whichever conqueror exalt is cheapest and use it on the helmet. Now that it’s influenced, harvest craft “Randomise the influence types on an influenced item, as well as reforging.” You need to hit either Shaper or Elder influence.
- Whichever you hit, buy a helmet with the opposite influence. For example, if you hit Shaper, you will go buy an Elder helmet. Make sure it has only the one influence and is not corrupted.
- Get an
Awakener's Orb. Use the orb on the helm you just bought, and then click your
Blizzard Crown right after. This destroys the bought helmet and you’re left with a Shaper and Elder blizzard base. Remember the helmet you click on first with the orb will be destroyed.
- Roll with
Essence of Horror until you get “Socketed gems deal 30% more elemental damage” and “Supported by hypothermia”.
- The next step requires an open prefix and suffix, if you don’t have that you must annul or beast swap to try and get it.
- Lock your suffix’s with “Suffixes can’t be changed” and go harvest roll “Reforge rare item including critical strike mod.” The mod we are looking for is “Socketed spells have #% to critical strike chance”. If you roll socketed attack crit sell the helmet and start again, it’s worth good money but unfortunately bricked for us.
- If you hit spell crit in the last step, craft “Suffixes cannot be changed” again and at the very bottom of the harvest bench you’ll want to “Reforge an influenced rare item with random modifiers, including an influenced modifier.” You roll this as many times as it takes to get “Socketed gems are supported by level 16 – 20 concentrated effect”.
Replica Dragonfang's Flight gives +3 to our storm brand, resistance, and reservation efficiency. The only thing that could make it better would be life, but that’s asking too much.
Every single mod on Inpulsa's Broken Heart is fantastic.
If you are having trouble crafting the endgame helmet, consider buying a +2 AoE or +2 duration corrupted chest. When you move storm brand to the helmet, just resell it or let it buff your auras.
Using Stormshroud it’s very easy to achieve ailment immunity between boots and jewels. Early on when you run two abyss jewels, Muttering Essence of Torment work fine. When you drop an abyss, you need 50-55% shock avoid on boots so at least
Shrieking Essence of Torment are needed. The stun avoid and regen are Eldritch implicits.
Unnerve increases our damage, hinder reduces enemy movement speed which is helpful defensively. The increased damage against chilled enemies mod comes from Temple so don’t worry about that until the final stages of gearing.
Stygian with life and ideally ES or armour, plus some resists, and open suffix for attribute craft.
Ring 1
Elder base if you want crit multi, however much DEX you need. Resists and life.
Ring 2
Because inquisitors don’t use elemental penetration for any part of our damage, we only need one Call of the Brotherhood.
I have some basic searches for wands included above, you can get better ones later. Flat lightning to spells works and is a cheaper mod, and lightning damage is interchangeable with spell damage. One of these MUST have the trigger craft, and assassins mark socketed in it.
Super important for defenses, you will use two of these early on then drop one later.
Glorious Vanity
People get confused by these, but we’ll keep it simple and then just provide a search link.
For a basic explanation, these jewels will change nodes within their radius.
The name determines how keystones (big nodes) will change, while the number changes notables (medium-sized nodes).
In our case we need a specific name: Doryani
And then just one notable with ES leech, anything else is bonus. The search up top has a bunch of viable numbers, and more exist as well.
Watcher's Eye: I get the vitality life gain on hit plus damage at first, later on there are tons of great mods to choose between zealotry, vitality, and determination.
- Stormshroud : New to the build, this jewel lets us easily hit full elemental ailment immunity.
Cluster Jewels
Large: 8 Passive with Snowstorm and Doryani’s Lesson. The doryanis is required for leech, and snowstorm is big DPS. Later on get one with both of those and Overshock for a large upgrade.
Medium: 4 or 5 Passive with Basics of Pain and Pressure Points. The classic big damage crit clusters. these get better the more crit you have, and they give a lot of it themselves. Expensive at first but don’t forget about them.
Small: 2 Passive with Enduring Composure. This gives passive endurance charge generation.
Don’t miss the powerful lowlife mod!
Use your utility flasks for ailment protection in the early game, like the ones in Leaguestart PoB.
Swap to this setup when you hit ailment immune. I recommend enchanting at least the silver flask and not hitting it manually.