Velyna's Spectral Shield Throw Warden PoB and Skills (PoE Necropolis)



PoB Imports

- Guide to Path of Building -


This build has multiple stages to work through as your character improves, that way you always know what to be upgrading from leaguestart to endgame.

  • Leaguestart: This is for either a fresh league or a start with zero currency. The only goal of this PoB is to make it through acts into early maps to farm the transition to SST. Just buy an Obscurantis Obscurantis and upgrade your rare items without spending too much. Get to a comfortable level and farm until you can afford Seething Fury Seething Fury and Emperor's Vigilance Emperor's Vigilance, these together might be a couple divine right at leaguestart but it comes down pretty quickly. Magna Eclipsis Magna Eclipsis is also viable to transition with if you can get The Twilight Temple The Twilight Temple twice.
  • Transition: When you’ve gathered the shield and jewel, the last thing needed before transitioning is Hrimsorrow Hrimsorrow, which should be cheap by then. There’s no point buying them earlier because they don’t benefit our starter build. With Spectral Shield Throw Spectral Shield Throw we can equip a weapon and gain stats from it although we don’t attack with it. Scaeva Scaeva is nice, so is Doryani's Catalyst Doryani's Catalyst. Look to get a Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye with hatred penetration since it works with SST. Don’t forget to add eldritch implicits to chest and boots, it’s a ton of power. You absolutely need the small cluster, and get the large one ASAP as well even if you can only afford 2 notables, as long as it’s 8 added passives.
  • Endgame: Find a good Brutal Restraint Brutal Restraint, if you can’t afford one with onslaught right away get it for the stun avoid and other DPS increases. Crafted weapon is not that bad to make, just buy the base and spam essences. There is one big-ticket item here, the crafted helmet, but you can do a ton of content without it.

The gear page has information about each of your endgame items, search links to help you find them, plus crafting instructions for any complicated items.


We need a lot of reservation efficiency for our auras, so running Charisma is not optional


Spectral Shield Throw (Helmet)

CWDT / Defense (Weapon)

Mark (Shield)

Auras / Movement (Chest)

Movement / Fortify (Gloves)

Swap out the endurance charges for Brutality Support Brutality Support to run elemental reflect maps.

DPS Boosters (Boots)

Leaguestart Gems

Act 1

I ran Caustic Arrow Caustic Arrow-Mirage Archer Support Mirage Archer Support-Pierce Support Pierce Support until the end of act 1, but it’s up to you.

When you swap, run this:

When running poison concoction, keep your life flasks updated and run 3 of them. Poison Concoction will cycle between the highest-tier flasks you have before pulling from lower ones, so make sure to keep one at a lower tier to use for yourself. Its damage is scaled off the recovery number on your flasks so if you let them fall behind or don’t craft them you will start to lag. Don’t be afraid to use a portal scroll at a boss and go back to town and get more flask charges.

During the act be looking for GGG 3links.

When you open the crab cave in mud flats, get Steelskin and Dash.

Killing Brutus gives access to Vitality and Clarity.

Act 2

New gems become available after Chamber of Sins and after killing Weaver.

Kill all the bandits, and consider doing the bear quest because it gives a second movement flask.

Act 3

I always do the library for access to gems, because I can start levelling my SST and it’s supports in a weapon swap setup for later.

Change to Flame Dash from regular Dash at this point if desired.

Do first lab near the end of this act, if not just come back near middle or end of act 4.

Whenever you do it, take Way of the Poacher with first ascend points.

Act 4-10

At this point the gems will stay mostly the same, just work on getting all the correct groupings set up and a 5link for your main skill.

It should be possible to drop clarity and run grace while sustaining mana from leech, you may need to drop the level of vitality a bit.

When you kill Ryslatha in act 6 equip the flask pantheon.

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