TbXie's Unkillable Necro - Detonate Dead Necromancer Gear, Jewels & Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors 3.22)



Summary – TL;DR

As per usual, nothing matters more than capping your Elemental Resistance before anything else. This means modifiers on gear are subordinate to Resistances as long as you’re not capped. Since you’ll be running a decent amount of Unique items, it’ll be important to look out for a lot of resistances on your Rare pieces!

We’re providing you with an extensive analysis further down the page but chose to start off with an overview / recommendation.

Our recommendation:

Item Slot Item Name
Head Energy Shield Based Helmet with Life, Mana & Resistances
Amulet Citrine Amulet Citrine Amulet with Life, Mana, Energy Shield & Resistances
Chest Hunter Chest with Increased Effect of Offerings, Life, Ailment Avoidance and Life as Maximum Energy Shield
Gloves Energy Shield Based Gloves with Life, Mana & Resistances
Boots Energy Shield Based Boots with Life, Mana & Resistances, Ailment Avoidance and Movement Speed
Belt Stygian Vise Stygian Vise with High Life and Resistances
Rings Vermillion Ring Vermillion Ring with High Life, Mana and Resistances
Weapon Rare Sceptre with Fire Damage, Fire Damage as Extra Chaos, Cast Speed and Trigger Mod
Shield Energy Shield Based Shield with Life, Fire Damage as Extra Chaos, Spell Block, Life and Ailment Avoidance

For crafting Rare items, you can check out all the affixes that can roll on an item base, depending on its level, influence, and many other factors, using our affix tool.

Armour Pieces


No complicated Helmet slot this time around! Ideally you’re on the hunt for a Hubris Circlet Hubris Circlet as this is the strongest Energy Shield Base you can find. However, in the end, only the total amount of Energy Shield on a helmet matters, so as long as you look for that, you’ll be golden! Try to find as much Life, Mana and Resistances as you can.

  1. +# to maximum Life (at least 95)
  2. Total Energy Shield (around 100)
  3. +# to maximum mana (as much as you can find)
  4. +#% to Elemental Resistances (until cap)

Body Armour

Ideally and most optimally a Vaal Regalia Vaal Regalia is the best base here. You’re looking for a lot of Maximum Life on a Hunter item with the #% increased Effect of Offerings modifier. Whenever you get that, you’re multimodding #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments and 10% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield to get more Energy Shield. The Offering effect is a broken modifier so don’t skip it. It gives you 8% Block and Spell Block whilst giving you additional Life on Block too. It’s insane for your build so aim to find it as fast as possible!

  1. #% increased effect of Offerings
  2. +# to maximum life (ideally at least 110)
  3. #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
  4. Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield


This is pretty much a copy of the Helmet. Life, Resistances with Mana and Energy Shield if you can get some.

  1. +# to maximum Life (at least 95)
  2. Total Energy Shield (around 100)
  3. +# to maximum mana (as much as you can find)
  4. +#% to Elemental Resistances (until cap)


Again, and I’m starting to sound like a broken record. Life, Mana is what you’re looking for. The base item hardly matters here as your last prefix is going to Movement Speed so you can’t really hit any significant amounts of Energy Shield here anyhow. A Leech enchant would be preferred but not necessary whatsoever. Try to find as much of those stats as possible but make sure it has 1 open suffix so you can craft the #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments as you’re aiming to become ailment immune.


A Stygian Vise Stygian Vise is recommended here as it allows you to socket an Onslaught Jewel. This frees up a Flask slot which can be used for extra defensive measures. The Jewel you’re looking for here either has Life or Mana with a #% chance to gain Onslaught for # seconds on Kill modifier.

  1. +# to maximum Life (at least 90)
  2. +# to maximum Mana (preferably at least 40)
  3. +#% to Elemental Resistances (until cap)



Well .. You know what’s coming. Life, Energy Shield, Mana and whatever Resistances you need is what’s required. Should you not be playing SSF I’d argue you could probably find something like #% increased Fire Damage or Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances modifiers here but it really isn’t required.

  1. +# to maximum Life (at least 90)
  2. +# to maximum Mana (preferably at least 40)
  3. +# to Maximum Energy Shield
  4. #% increased Maximum Energy Shield
  5. +#% to Elemental Resistances (until cap)


The build, again in the HC SSF Racing scenario, anoints Aggressive Bastion which grants 5% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill (which basically guarantees Endurance charge uptime while mapping) and 4% Block Chance. While I think this node is exquisite in this racing scenario, where all damage modifiers permanently apply, I do personally think you can get away with anointing damage if you so wish. In that case, Heart of Flame offers some Penetration, Damage and Leech which is nice!


You don’t need much on your rings which means you’re opening up the possiblity to run Vermillion Ring Vermillion Rings. These should always have some high Life modifier with ideally some combination of Elemental and Chaos Resistance. Additionally, as per usual, any extra Energy Shield or Mana would be much welcomed!

Note : Catalyzing these is incredibly potent if you’re running Vermillion Rings. Life & Mana catalysts work for explicit life rolls, mana and %life implicits.

  1. +# to maximum Life (at least 70 – before Catalysts)
  2. +# to Mana
  3. +# to maximum Energy Shield
  4. +# Elemental Resistance (until cap)
  5. +# to Elemental and Chaos Resistances (15 – Crafted)


Since so much of your frontloaded DPS comes from the gems in your wand, you’re going to want a Trigger a Socketed Spell when you use a Skill as soon as possible. As for damage modifiers % Fire Damage and % Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage are probably the two modifiers you’re looking for. Lastly, cast speed is very nice to have as it smoothens up the gameplay by quite a bit, and leaves you with more Dodge room as you wont be locked in place that often while casting. You should aim to get two of those and then multi-mod the other one.

  1. Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill
  2. #% increased Cast Speed
  3. #% increased Fire Damage
  4. Gain #% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage


The shield slot is used to find a little bit of damage, which is best found by getting a #% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage roll, and the last bit of Spell Block you need to get approximately around the 70% mark. Additionally Resistance, Life and Mana are much welcomed. The best base for this item would be a Titanium Spirit Shield Titanium Spirit Shield. This is the last slot where you can craft Elemental Ailments avoidance which will get you to Avoidance cap as long as you allocate Arcane Swiftness in the tree for the last 20%.

  1. #% Chance to Block Spell Damage (12%)
  1. +# to maximum Life (Preferably at least 85)
  2. #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
  3. Gain #% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage (at least 12% – can be crafted)
  4. Elemental Resistances (until cap)


I believe flasks are highly preference-based. One isn’t just outright better than another one for specific / certain builds. Obviously, sometimes, there’s a set in stone set of Flasks you should be using just because they synergize with your build so well. I wouldn’t say those really exist in this setup, but I’d strongly advise you to stick with the setup listed here.

As this build was written to function in a Solo Self-Found environment, you’re looking to only run npn-unique Flasks. A lot of these are interchangeable, as someone might not care about the extra Damage a Sulphur Flask Sulphur Flask offers or the movement speed from a Quicksilver Flask Quicksilver Flask but you should try to stick to at least a Basalt Flask Basalt Flask and a Granite Flask Granite Flask for physical damage reduction as well as an instant Divine Life Flask Divine Life Flask for sketchy situations. An other contender could be a Quartz Flask Quartz Flask

Regardless of which utility Flasks you go for and whether you follow our recommendations or not, you’ll need to stick to the suffixes we have picked for you (Staunching, Warding, Iron Skin). The affixes on your non-unique Flasks can be changed around, but I recommend the following setup (based on the Flask duration, charges, and affix priorities):

Our recommendation:

Slot Flask
1 Bubbling Divine Life Flask Divine Life Flask of Staunching
2 Chemist’s Sulphur Flask Sulphur Flask of Warding
3 Chemist’s Basalt Flask Basalt Flask of Iron Skin
4 Chemist’s Granite Flask Granite Flask of Draining
5 Chemist’s Quicksilver Flask Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline

Be sure to check out our Flask Crafting Guide to learn everything you need to know about how to set up your non-Unique flasks.


SSF Jewels

Because you want to stay relatively tanky, I really like grabbing #% increased Maximum Life on every single one of my Rare jewels, of which this build requires one or two depending how many Jewels you find. Your best modifiers are any source of Increased damage. I suggest you grab jewels that have a Life modifier and one other benefiting modifier.

  • #% increased maximum life
  • #% increased Damage
  • #% increased Fire Damage
  • #% increased Area Damage

Cluster Jewels

Cluster Jewels generally are not too amazing for your damage but because I’m pretty sure some of you will like to squeeze out some extra DPS, the Sadist notable is insane for this build. You’re shocking, igniting and chilling all the time which means you’re looking for that notable together with Doryani’s Lesson for some extra leech and probably a Prismatic Heart for the extra Damage and Resistances.

If you are looking for the most optimal way to acquire your Cluster Jewels, or have any other questions whatsoever about them, such as how to craft or price them, we refer you to our complete guide on Cluster Jewels.

I don’t think you would run any Medium Clusters and would just socked more rare jewels in the sockets the Large Cluster Jewel Large Cluster Jewel would give. Ideally, in a non-SSF scenario, you’d be able to keep your Mana / Health and Energy Shield levels at the same point while including one of these Clusters by dropping some Life nodes on the tree (which will have to be made up by gear) to acquire more damage overall.

Main Page / TL;DR

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