TbXie's Detonate Dead Ignite Elementalist Gear, Jewels & Flasks (PoE Necropolis 3.24)



Summary – TL;DR

As per usual, nothing matters more than capping your Elemental Resistance before anything else. This means modifiers on gear are subordinate to Resistances as long as you’re not capped. Since you’ll be running a decent amount of Unique items, it’ll be important to look out for a lot of resistances on your Rare pieces!

We’re providing you with an extensive analysis further down the page but chose to start with an overview/recommendation.

Our recommendation:

Item Slot Item Name
Head Evasion based Helmet with Life, Resistances, Suppression & Chaos Resistance
Amulet Replica Dragonfang's Flight Replica Dragonfang's Flight
Chest Armour/Evasion based Chest Piece with high Armour & Evasion, Suppression & Gravicus Benchcraft
Gloves Evasion based Gloves with Life, Resistances & Suppression
Boots Evasion based Boots with Life, Resistances, Suppression and Movement Speed
Belt Strength based Belt with Life, Chaos Resistance, Armour & Energy Shield regeneration craft
Rings Polaric Devastation Polaric Devastation & Replica Emberwake Replica Emberwake or Rare Ring
Weapon Rare Sceptre with Fire Damage, Fire Damage as Extra Chaos, Cast Speed and Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
Shield Evasion/Energy shield Base with Suppression, Life, Resistances & Energy Shield

For crafting Rare items, you can check out all the affixes that can roll on an item base, depending on its level, influence, and many other factors, using our affix tool.

Armour Pieces


The gearing section in this guide focuses on the Endgame pieces required. You’re most likely fine for almost all non-bossing content in the game with gear you can pick up off the ground. Refer to the Path of Building to check up on those easy items.


In the endgame, you’re on the hunt for a nice Evasion Helmet with a bunch of nice stats on it. I’d start by getting a Fractured Spell Suppression, ideally on a very high Evasion item base. You can then hit it with Chaos Resistance Essences until you hit high Life & Evasion and finish it off with a Resistance craft. As per usual, make sure to hit it with Eldritch Implicits. In this case, it requires 10% Reservation Efficiency, which is a higher ichor, and thus is a bit more expensive, but it enables your endgame setup.

Body Armour

Pretty much the same idea here. Start with grabbing a nice base with Fractured Spell Suppression. You can either use essences or reforge Defense in Harvest. Make sure to have an open Prefix to finish it off with a Gravicus Craft.


You’re on the hunt for a random Suppression, Life and Resistance pair of Gloves. The implicit having Leech is a huge QoL. Don’t forget finish them off with those implicits.


As per usual, you start from a fractured Suppression Base. Afterwards, hit it with Deafening Essence of Envy Deafening Essence of Envy or Screaming Essence of Envy Screaming Essence of Envy until you hit a desired 3rd prefix (high resistance). When that’s done, craft suffixes cannot be changed on the bench, use a Veiled Orb and craft Mana. Then go unveil your veiled modifier, you should be guaranteed a source of movement speed. Finish of the craft by crafting Life on the crafting bench and use ichors to finish off your implicits.


The belt is a very versatile slot in this build. I opted for a Strength belt, with some Life, Resistances & finished it off with an Energy Shield Regeneration craft. Just grab whatever Attributes, Resistances, Life etc. you need on this item.


Amulet & Rings

Your amulet slot is going to be locked in by Replica Dragonfang's Flight Replica Dragonfang's Flight. Depending on how high your Reservation Efficiency Roll is, you’ll need a level 2 or 3 Enlighten Support Enlighten Support. For rings, I don’t think one can go without a Polaric Devastation Polaric Devastation. It’s just soo much damage eventually. Next up is a Replica Emberwake Replica Emberwake. I don’t think you need to use this item in almost any scenario outside of very very hard bossfights. It makes you rely on Arcanist Brand & Defiled Forces to keep your ignites rolling and it generally gives you damage you’ll no longer need. I would definitely running a defensive Rare Ring while mapping. If you go face Uber-Fights and you have perfected the Arcanist Brand technique, then sure, swap one in!


Since Detonate Dead doesn’t scale from many different modifiers, the best anoint you can find is Ash, Frost and Storm


Generally, you’re looking for a combination of the following four modifiers: Fire Damage over Time Multiplier, Fire Damage, 8% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos & Cast Speed. All of those can be crafted on the bench, so in reality, any weapon that has two high rolls of those four and has the possibility of being able to be multimodded with “Can craft 3 modifiers” on the bench is going to do you just fine.


Again, start from a Fractured Spell Suppression base. It needs to be Energy Shield / Evasion based as you’re on the hunt for extra Energy Shield here to enable to your Eldritch Battery. You’re hitting this with Life or Chaos Resistances essences whichever stat you need at that point. In an ideal world, you hit Suppression, Life, Evasion & ES prefixes (200+ ES), Chaos Resistance


I believe flasks are highly preference-based. One isn’t just outright better than another one for specific/certain builds. Sometimes, there’s a set-in-stone set of Flasks you should be using just because they synergize with your build so well. I wouldn’t say those exist in this setup, but I’d strongly advise you to stick with the setup listed here.

Regardless of which utility Flasks you go for and whether you follow our recommendations or not, you’ll need to stick to the suffixes we have picked for you (Staunching, Warding). The affixes on your non-unique Flasks can be changed around, but I recommend the following setup (based on the Flask duration, charges, and affix priorities):

Our recommendation:

Slot Flask
1 Flagellant’s Quicksilver Flask Quicksilver Flask of the Horsefly
2 Flagellant’s Jade Flask Jade Flask of the Armadillo
3 Flagellant’s Granite Flask Granite Flask of the Impala
4 Flagellant’s Amethyst Flask Amethyst Flask of the Cheetah
5 Seething Divine Life Flask Divine Life Flask of Assuaging

Note: The Amethyst Flask could be replaced with a Taste of Hate Taste of Hate if you can cap Chaos Resistance without it

Be sure to check out our Flask Crafting Guide to learn everything you need to know about how to set up your non-Unique flasks.


Jewels are basically what make this build. Without them, you’ll feel much weaker.

Forbidden Flesh & Flames

While it doesn’t matter which Ascendancy you take for FF jewels, I recommend Shaper of Flames because it allows you some flexibility later on and they’re generally the cheapest. If you can’t afford those, you’ll need to allocate Shaper of Flames manually in favour of Bastion of Elements.

Militant Faith

A complicated piece of the puzzle. First of all, you’ll need an Militant Faith which converts to High Templar Avarius. This will give you the Power of Purpose keystone, which gives you a really good amount of Armour. If you can optimize for good Devotion benefits, it also gives you a tiny bit of Damage.

Watcher’s Eye

The absolute BiS would be DoT Multiplier while affected by Malevolence paired with Evade chance while affected by Grace. If you can’t afford that, I’d just go for the Malevolence modifiers with any other modifier that did something for you.

Cluster Jewels

You’ll be running 2 Large Cluster Jewel Large Cluster Jewels and 4 Medium Cluster Jewel Medium Cluster Jewels.

Large Cluster Jewels

Your Large Cluster Jewel Large Cluster Jewels are not super specific. As long as you have 3 good Damage notables, they’re fine. For example, Cremator, Disorienting Display & Prismatic Heart could be a combination you’re on the hunt for. A lot of notables on Fire Damage clusters are beneficial to the build so you can’t really go wrong here.


Medium Cluster Jewels

These are a tad more specific, cause there’s a plethora of bad notables. First of all, you need a Master of Fire here (You could technically also get it on a Large Cluster Jewel if it’s cheaper, but it is a DPS-loss). Additionally, I think, in total, you want about 2 Circling Oblivions, as many Flow of Life’s as possible and a single Smoking Remains for the Smoke Cloud.

Regular Jewels

You really, really want Life on your regular Jewels. Additionally, Damage over Time Multiplier or Fire Damage over Time Multiplier is your best stat. Combine either of those with Life & any relevant 3rd stat (Fire Damage for example) and you’ll be golden for your jewels.

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