TbXie's Storm Brand Hierophant Pantheons, Ascendancy & Bandits (PoE Necropolis)
Ascendancy (Templar – Hierophant)
Conviction of Power
A big node for scaling both damage and defenses. It grants us a tremendous amount of unconditional critical strike chance, physical mitigation & resistances through endurance and power charges. Very much not to be underestimated.
Divine Guidance
Mainly taken because I assume most people take a while to do their Uber Lab and you need the node behind it to activate all of your Auras. If you plan on doing an Uber Lab right as you start mapping (by buying a Carry) I recommend going Arcane Blessing First.
Sanctuary of Thought
This node gives use the possibility of running all of our Auras, which is a cornerstone of the build. Additionally, it gives you more Energy Shield, which then helps your Mind over Matter interactions. Lastly, it helps reducing the mana cost of the otherwise really spammy Storm Brand skill.
Arcane Blessing
With the changes to Arcane Surge, this node actually became really insane. While you can’t make use of Arcane Surge support in builds like these (because you never use mana, as you’re using Energy Shield to cast), getting it from here is pretty solid. It accounts to about 22% of your overall damage, which is pretty insane for a single Ascendancy.
This build really doesn’t need anything from the Bandit options, so you should kill all. Oak is just too weak to warrant the two skill points and Alira and Kraityn really don’t do anything for us. Two skill points from Eramir it is!
Major God
No debate here, Soul of the Brine King. This needs to be upgrade to active its immunity to freeze as its your only freeze immunity source.
Minor God
I personally always pick up Soul of Abberath here and upgrade it to be immune to burning ground cause burning ground is super obnoxious to deal with.
Upgrading your Pantheons
Pantheon powers can be upgraded by using Divine Vessel in the Map Device while you are activating the particular Map that contains the boss you need. Once you’ve killed the boss and captured his soul, you can consume the
Divine Vessel, which’ll show up filled in the map device, or deliver it to Sin in Oriath for extra dialogue relating to the game’s lore.