Settlers of Kalguur League Mechanic Guide (PoE Settlers of Kalguur League 3.25)



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Settlers of Kalguur is a league mechanic where you collect resources and oversee the development of a brand-new settlement – collecting rewards in real-time.

You’ll need to keep your settlement supplied with a steady stream of Gold, and be savvy in how you manage your Resources and Workers. In exchange, you’ll gain access to powerful new (and returning) crafting abilities – and have literal boat-loads of currency automatically delivered to you!

This is a Pre-Launch Guide, as the Settlers of Kalguur Challenge League is not yet live. This guide is based on publicly available information about Settlers of Kalguur through reveals, teasers, Q&A, developer comments, etc, and will continue to be updated up through – and after – league launch. As such, information in this guide may be inaccurate, or simply changed by GGG prior to launch.


Settlement of Kingsmarch

The settlement of Kingsmarch is a new town – accessible by portal – that contains all of the many Buildings and NPCs you’ll be interacting with over the course of the league. As you progress through the league, you’ll be able to build and upgrade various buildings and features here, as well as manage Workers and collect your rewards.


Gold UI

Gold is a new currency that drops from monsters during the Settlers league.

Gold is NON-TRADABLE, automatically picked up when your character walks near it, can drop from all monsters throughout the game, and is stored in a UI counter above your item inventory.

Gold is spent as your currency to interact with nearly every part of Kingsmarch – Building and upgrading buildings, hiring workers and paying their wage, and some crafting features all require Gold. This makes the acquisition of Gold your primary method of progressing in Settlers of Kalguur.

In addition, Gold is also used in a few features not directly tied to the rest of the league mechanic. Gold Respecs, the new Currency Exchange, and Item Gambling all cost gold – so spend it wisely!


Worker Hiring UI

Workers are hired NPCs that you assign to various tasks within Kingsmarch, to generate or process resources, or to generate rewards.

Workers have traits denoting what tasks they’re good at. Be sure to assign workers to matching tasks – you don’t want to send someone specialized in Mining to guard your valuable shipments – the pirates will just make quick work of them!

Workers can be hired from the Tavern, for a hiring fee of Gold. Once hired, you will have to pay an hourly wage (also in Gold) for them to continue working for you. Upgrading the Tavern (presumably) grants access to Workers with higher tier traits – with accompanying higher fees.

For more information on Workers, check out the “Workers & Management” section of this guide:

Workers & Management


Resources List

Kingsmarch can acquire and trade in a large variety of Resources. From grown crops, to Ore you collect in maps, to magical dust you get from disenchanting items. Some of these resources can be used to pay for services within Kingsmarch, and all of them can be traded for rewards via Shipping.

Resources cannot be traded with other players.

Unprocessed Ore

Mining UI

Unprocessed Ore are a type of Resource that are found within zones and Maps. Each type of Ore will start a different, short encounter – granting you their respective Ore upon completion.

This Ore is “unprocessed”, however, and needs to be processed by Workers before it can be used or shipped.


Shipping UI

Shipping allows you to trade Resources for rewards – and is one of the primary ways you earn rewards through Kingsmarch.

Shipping allows you to send boats packed with your hard-earned Resources and crewed by Workers to various ports, to exchange those Resources for regular PoE rewards – like currency, uniques, scarabs, etc.

Each port takes a differing amount of time to complete the shipment, and is biased towards different types of rewards.

Shipping Risks

Shipping Risks Tooltip

Bad things can happen to your shipments in transit – raids by pirates, bad weather… all of this is summed up by a “Risk” percentage, shown as you’re putting your shipment together.

The more Resources you put on a shipment, the higher the Risk is – show as a percentage. Conversely, Workers assigned to protect the ship will lower the Risk.

These “Risks” can result in things like crew members dying, the ship being taken over by a pirate boss you can fight, or even losing the entire ship (and all your Resources/rewards).

Automated Atlas Devices

Kalguuran Atlas Device UI

Automated Atlas Devices can be construcated once you reach maps, allowing you to assign your Workers to run maps for you – collecting all the loot within! This is an incredibly powerful way to generate additional rewards, passively.

Each map device can have a number of maps queued up, and your Workers will attempt them in the order you’ve queued them.

Each map take an amount of real-time for your workers to complete, and the amount of the map they’re able to successfully clear will vary your assigned worker’s trait level.

In addition, maps will have a chance of permanently killing an assigned worker.

The percentage of maps they’re able to clear, as well as the chance of Workers permanently dying, will scale with the difficulty of the map. Higher tier maps with difficulty modifiers (or delirium orbs!) will result in far more deaths than scoured Tier 1 maps. What maps you assign your Workers to run will depend on how Gold-rich you are… and how lucky you’re feeling.

Crafting Stations

Kingsmarch features several buildings that allow you to craft items in new or returning ways: Runecrafting, and Recombination.


Runecrafting UI

Runecrafting allows you to apply powerful new enchantments to weapons, by spending Kalguuran Runes.

These enchantments resemble effects that are mostly only available previously on Unique items, and most can only be applied to a specific type of weapon base – ie, “1-Hand Axes”.

Kalguuran runes can be acquired from killing Settlers bosses, or from Shipping.


Recombination UI

Recombination makes its return from Sentinel league, in a slightly altered form!

As opposed to using consumable currency items, you can now recombine items at a crafting bench located within Kingsmarch. Simply put two items in the bench, and you can Recombine them into a single item, with a combination affixes taken from the two items.

To use Recombination, you will be charged a fee – Gold, and disenchantment dust. This fee scales with the item level of the items being combined.

Disenchantment dust can be acquired by destroying equipment at the associated Building. The amount of dust gained scales with the tier of rarity for uniques, and affix tier for all other equipment.

Recombination was obscenely powerful in Sentinel league, and will likely be a league-defining crafting method in Settlers as well. Check back for more information on how Recombination has changed from Sentinel, and how best to use it!


Be sure to check out the other pages of this guide, covering even more topics related to Settlers of Kalguur! This guide will continue to be updated in the future – if you have any feedback, or find something cool you want to share, head on over to the PoE Vault Discord, and let me know!

Good luck, and have fun farming Settlers of Kalguur!

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