Settlers of Kalguur League Mechanic Guide Workers & Management



Workers & Management

The vast majority of the time you spend in Kingsmarch will be spent managing your Settlement and your Workers. This is the core of the league mechanic – and if your Settlement isn’t well-managed, your profits will suffer!

This is a Pre-Launch Guide, as the Settlers of Kalguur Challenge League is not yet live. This guide is based on publicly available information about Settlers of Kalguur through reveals, teasers, Q&A, developer comments, etc, and will continue to be updated up through – and after – league launch. As such, information in this guide may be inaccurate, or simply changed by GGG prior to launch.


Worker Assignment UI

Workers are hired NPCs that you assign to various tasks within Kingsmarch. Workers assigned to Buildings reduce the amount of time for that Building to complete tasks, and/or reduce the risk of a catastrophic failure occurring.

…But they can also die, and cost gold to hire and put to work. Making sure you have a capable roster of workers is key to keeping Kingsmarch humming along!

There is a maximum capacity of Workers you can have hired at once – initially 10, though some preview footage shows this capacity increasing to as high as 90.


Worker Traits Tooltip

Workers have traits denoting what tasks they’re good at. These traits are each associated with a specific building that Workers can be assigned to, and come ina variety of tiers. Workers with higher tier traits will have larger hiring fees and wage costs… but will perform significantly better!

Workers can have multiple Traits – so far we’ve seen up to 4. Since Workers can only be assigned to one task at a time, it’s unknown what benefit this may have, other than versatility.

It’s currently unknown whether Worker’s traits can upgrade over time, or if their traits are fixed at the tiers you hire them with.

Hiring Workers

Worker Hiring UI

Workers can be hired at the Tavern, from an available selection. While it’s not currently clear exactly how this process works, it appears that upgraded Taverns grant more options for Workers to hire, and those Workers seem to have higher tier traits.

There’s a button that appears to allow you to refresh the Workers available for hire – presumably at the cost of gold. It’s currently unclear how much this costs, or whether they will refresh on their own under other conditions.

Paying Wages

Worker Hourly Wages UI

Workers require ongoing wages in order to continue working. These wages will be automatically removed from the Kingsmarch Treasury at regular intervals.

In this way, Gold serves as a sort of “fuel” for the league mechanic. Make sure you’re able to generate enough Gold by playing PoE to keep your settlement generating profit for you!

Death and Demise

Worker Death Chance Tooltip

Workers can die – permanently, leaving you out all the Gold you spent to hire them.

The main method of Worker death appears to be the Kalguur Atlas Device – every map will list a percentage chance that a Worker permanently dies running that map, based on that Worker’s trait levels and the map’s difficulty.

In addition, Workers assigned to Shipping and Atlas Devices can be kidnapped by bandits. If you fail to either pay the ransom or kill the bandit boss, all of your kidnapped Workers will be executed.


You’ll be checking in with Kingsmarch as often as you can stand, to keep your Workers working, your atlas devices stocked, and to cash out your rewards!

Town Map

Town Map UI

The Town Map – located just outside the Tavern – allows you to manage your entire Settlement from a single screen. It shows an overview of all of your Resources, allows you to view the status of each building (and presumably manage them), and allows you to deposit gold into your Treasury.

It’s likely that this screen is where you will spend the majority of your time managing your Settlement.


Treasury UI

The Treasury is a pool of Gold where your Worker’s wages are drawn from. You need to be sure to deposit gold from your inventory here before you run out, if you want to keep your workers working!

Collecting Rewards

Reward Collection UI

When you collect rewards from various buildings, you will be presented with a window full of loot. This window can have multiple tabs, and has a “Take All” and “Discard All” button.

It does not appear as though you can apply loot filters to reward screens – you’ll have to pick through your rewards manually, and simply click “Discard All” once you’ve taken everything you want.


Be sure to check out the other pages of this guide, covering even more topics related to Settlers of Kalguur! This guide will continue to be updated in the future – if you have any feedback, or find something cool you want to share, head on over to the PoE Vault Discord, and let me know!

Good luck, and have fun farming Settlers of Kalguur!

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