Kinetic Blast/Power Siphon Pathfinder Passive Skill Tree & Gem Links



Path of Building

Path of Building for Furty’s Level 100 character used for this build is available here.

Included is an example set of gear, a full skill tree, and all the gem links needed to get the build to tick.

We use the Path of Building Community Fork for all of our builds, which is highly recommended. If you are encountering errors importing the build, please ensure you are using the Community Fork.

Passive Skill Trees

This is our recommended Level 100 Passive Skill Tree.

Point Blank is also not recommended until you start to feel like your damage on single targets or Rares is not sufficient to delete them instantly — usually, this is around the time you are finishing Uber Lab for the first time in the mid 80s.

Masteries can be a matter of preference but only the additional projectile from Wand Mastery is essential. After that, prioritize Life, and leave things like Piercing for some of your last nodes as icing on the cake.


Kinetic Blast Kinetic Blast is our main skill for clearing and general play. For any situation where we need strong single target damage, we instead use Power Siphon Power Siphon for its potent single-target damage. Kinetic Blast requires a wand, which means that we can only work one 6-Link into our build. This is absolutely fine, however, as Kinetic Blast only needs a 4-Link to rip apart practically all enemies with the weapon(s) that can be used in the build. The advantage of this is that it allows us to index heavily towards single target, giving Power Siphon a proper 6-Link and helm enchant to ensure we still have the damage to slaughter formidable targets, such as the Uber Awakener, with relative ease.

For additional damage and shatter-chains, the auras Herald of Ice Herald of Ice and Wrath Wrath are employed. This adds a great deal of offense and defense to the build via Shock, Freeze, and Shatter. Shattered enemies, for example, can not be exploded by any form of detonate dead mechanic, which is a great convenience to have in your build. Vaal Grace Vaal Grace is also used for the active effect, which makes us practically unhittable while active due to the sheer amount of Evasion and Dodge this build accrues.

A variety of buffs are employed to empower the build even further. Summon Ice Golem Summon Ice Golem adds some additional Critical Strike, which makes it quite easy to reach guaranteed Critical status when using a Diamond Flask. Frenzy Charges and Power Charges are both used as well, and are especially useful for beefy bosses, where full uptime of a Diamond Flask is not possible or guaranteed. Blood Rage Blood Rage is a natural complement for the build, and takes care of the Frenzy Charge generation organically. Power Charges are generated using Brinerot Flag Brinerot Flag and a Warcry, and using Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark.

For all the gem links we provide below, keep in mind that we list the gems in order of priority (starting from the top left, going to the right on each row of the links), meaning that if you lack the required number of sockets to fit all the gems, the first ones to drop are the ones at the bottom (with the bottom right being the last). Also note that in-game, as long as the sockets are linked, it makes no difference at all what order the gems are placed in.

Awakened gems are not necessary.

Power Siphon Power Siphon 6-Link

This is our link that is used for single target and bossing.

  1. Power Siphon Power Siphon
  2. Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
  3. Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support
  4. Awakened Elemental Focus Support Awakened Elemental Focus Support
  5. Barrage Support Barrage Support
  6. Awakened Lightning Penetration Support Awakened Lightning Penetration Support OR Energy Leech Support Energy Leech Support (you must have Energy Shield to use this)

Energy Leech Support Energy Leech Support is very close to Awakened Lightning Penetration Support Awakened Lightning Penetration Support, so this upgrade is primarily for players who have most of the other upgrades and want to improve their Sirus slaying abilities. If you do not have any Energy Shield/Evasion hybrid items you will have to opt for a different gem instead — Slower Projectiles Support Slower Projectiles Support and Added Cold Damage Support Added Cold Damage Support are the next best options and make coloring your Queen of the Forest Queen of the Forest much more convenient.

Kinetic Blast 4-Link

This is our main skill for clearing and general gameplay.

  1. Kinetic Blast Kinetic Blast
  2. Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
  3. Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
  4. Pierce Support Pierce Support

Herald of Ice 4-Link

This link is employed in order to enable shatter-chains and Onslaught. It can also be downgraded to a simple 3-link, as shown in the Path of Building example.

  1. Herald of Ice Herald of Ice
  2. Summon Lightning Golem Summon Lightning Golem
  3. Elemental Weakness Elemental Weakness
  4. Hextouch Support Hextouch Support

Wrath 2/4-Link

If you are using Tombfist Tombfist, simply drop Enlighten Support Enlighten Support from the link and slot this in your gloves. The reduced Mana reservation from not having ###item:onslaught-support### in your Herald link will compensate. Level 4 is, of course, not necessary to get the build working, and is more of a convenience than anything.

  1. Wrath Wrath
  2. Empower Support Empower Support (Level 4)
  3. Enlighten Support Enlighten Support (Level 4)
  4. Precision Precision

Precision Precision should be leveled as high as possible without disrupting your ability to smoothly clear by crimping your Mana bar.

Vaal Skill 3-Link

You could opt to add Vaal Haste Vaal Haste instead, but we feel this build already feels like a Formula 1 car, and can even feel “too fast” in some areas that are very tight or difficult to navigate.

  1. Vaal Grace Vaal Grace
  2. Phase Run Phase Run
  3. Increased Duration Support Increased Duration Support

Blood Rage 3-Link

You may, of course, use Blood Rage Blood Rage completely on its own and unlinked while you are league starting or accruing currency.

  1. Blood Rage Blood Rage
  2. Empower Support Empower Support (Level 4)
  3. Enhance Support Enhance Support (Level 4)

Brinerot Flag 3-Link

This is an off-hand swap used on for tough bosses that do not have enough extra enemies to provide stable Power Charge generation. This is not a link that goes into the build for standard play, and you must be using Brinerot Flag Brinerot Flag and Storm Prison Storm Prison as a weapon swap in order for this link to work correctly. You may use any Warcry in this link, as preference suits you.

  1. Rallying Cry Rallying Cry
  2. Increased Duration Support Increased Duration Support
  3. Enhance Support Enhance Support (Level 4)

Enhance Support Enhance Support is used to extend the duration as much as possible, but is such a small quality of life thing that it should not be prioritized until long after all the core upgrades are completed.

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