Velyna's Ice Crash Warden PoB & Gems (PoE Necropolis)



PoB Imports

- Guide to Path of Building -


This build has multiple stages to work through as your character improves, that way you always know what to be upgrading from leaguestart to endgame.

  • Leaguestart: You can’t run Hollow Palm right away, so this is a basic Ice Crash build using swords. The goal here is just to hit maps and farm those first few uniques to get the ball rolling. Look to buy Terminus Est Terminus Est and Starkonja's Head Starkonja's Head immediately, while also upgrading your rare items to cap resists and raise HP. Get rares with dexterity where possible. The unique flasks The Wise Oak The Wise Oak and Lion's Roar Lion's Roar can be bought now, or you can save for the transition and buy them after.
  • Transition: This stage requires One With Nothing One With Nothing to function, and you should have a Briskwrap Briskwrap with 4 links. I also recommend having Pure Talent Pure Talent, and the helmet from leaguestart. When this stage is up and running the next goals are Garukhan's Flight Garukhan's Flight and Astramentis Astramentis. Make sure you don’t skip the small cluster jewel, it’s a huge part of the builds defenses. It’s also super important to find a curse on hit Frostbite ring, even if you can’t get much else on it at first.
  • Endgame: Make sure your strength is higher than intelligence for Fractal Thoughts Fractal Thoughts, and try to get a high rolled Cyclopean Coil Cyclopean Coil. You can find a good Brutal Restraint Brutal Restraint using the tool built into PoB, or buy the cheapest one and upgrade later, they all give DEX. By this point you should have a Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye with hatred penetration. Make sure you have all the appropriate enchants, anoints, qualities, and pantheons.
  • God: This stage is just adding high-budget items, no major changes. We can access an extra ascendancy node through Forbidden Jewels, Unnatural Instinct Unnatural Instinct can replace Pure Talent Pure Talent, and the large cluster can be upgraded. There are crafting projects for belt, chest, and amulet as well. Using a Megalomaniac Megalomaniac with our Enduring Composure mod plus Frantic Aspect or Sublime Form allows us to run a final large aura.

The gear page has information about each of your endgame items, search links to help you find them, plus crafting instructions for any complicated items.


Once you get your Astramentis Astramentis, start looking to anoint it.

I usually go with Discipline and Training for HP.


6-Link Ice Crash

If you can’t hit 5 red, you can use alternates like Faster Attacks Support Faster Attacks Support, Hypothermia Support Hypothermia Support, and Concentrated Effect Support Concentrated Effect Support. This should only be temporary though.

CWDT / Utility

Since we have no gloves or weapons, sockets are limited. You can put the warchief in an Unset Ring Unset Ring, allowing for a golem in the CWDT setup or whatever else you may want.


Our final socket group contains all the aura’s we use.

Leaguestart Gems

Act 1

Since we don’t have Ice Crash yet, we need an alternate setup to get us to act 3. I chose Frost Blades since it scales mostly the same way and is available right at the start. Remember to check the gem vendors after quest completions and boss kills, and don’t forget to use all utility available.

Act 2

New support gems become available after Chamber of Sins and after killing Weaver.

Act 3

Near the end of this act we can start using Ice Crash. Once you have it on a 4link with Fortify consider doing first lab. You can use Ice Bite Support Ice Bite Support, Hypothermia Support Hypothermia Support, or Concentrated Effect Support Concentrated Effect Support as alternate DPS links depending what color links you find.

Act 4-10

At this point the gems will stay mostly the same, just work on getting all the correct groupings set up and a 5link for your main skill.

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