GhazzyTV's Dominating Blow Necromancer Build Guide (PoE Necropolis 3.24)



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Dominating Blow Dominating Blow is an insanely strong league start ability offering a lot of variations for the end game. Thanks to the straightforward design of the ability, we are able to tweak this build into some pretty juicy defensive styles allowing it to be a solid first choice for starting a league in Hardcore as well!

Build Overview

In this section, I will outline the pros, cons, and general playstyle. This will allow you to determine if this is the right build is for you!


+ Beefy – Despite being a minion build, it packs a very comfortable eHP #, as well as mitigation, allowing it to function in Hardcore very well.

+ League Starter – The only somewhat mandatory item for this build is super cheap even during the first few days of a league release.

+ Bosser – Despite being a map-clear focused build with super low budget the build is capable of handling end-game bosses.


Face-tanking Bosses – The build requires you to consistently hit enemy bosses to keep your minions up. This is fine for regular end-game bosses but the build is not really capable of handling the Uber Uber end-game bosses.

Minion Build – Since your minions are doing the heavy lifting, defensive layers such as leeching are not favourable in this build. Instead, you will rely on regeneration and Life flasks to deal with any damage taken. Despite this, the build still stacks some juicy defenses such as block and life recovery on block, as well as the benefits of having your minions taunt the enemies for you.


The build uses Dominating Blow Dominating Blow, which summons sentinel minions based on the rarity of the enemy you hit with the ability. If you strike a Unique enemy, you have a 25% chance to summon a normal Sentinel of Dominance. This is the main way to keep minions up against bosses. You will be guaranteed a sentinel if a Normal, Magic, or Rare enemy dies within 1 second of being hit by Dominating Blow. The sentinel summoned will copy any modifiers that the enemy had, so if a Rare enemy you kill has an aura modifier granting Haste to nearby allies, your Rare sentinel will also have that aura. This is where Dominating Blow becomes REALLY fun to play, as you can get some absolutely crazy combinations!

Damage Scaling and Defensive Layers

The build pumps out a beautiful eHP count of 100k+ Life with a high chance to block both Attack and Spell Block thanks to the Rumi's Concoction Rumi's Concoction flask. The damage scaling is very straightforward in this build, as it is ultimately a very generic minion-oriented build. With an army of minions, you can utilize modifiers such as Blind and Taunt on Hit on a Ghastly Eye Jewel Ghastly Eye Jewel.

PoB, Passive Skill Tree & Gem Links

All my guides use Path of Building. We have a simple guide for you that shows how to import my build into Path of Building, you can find the guide here

For the low budget approach, you can check that out here:
Here you’ll find the medium budget version:

You can find more information on our dedicated page, along with all the recommended gem links.

PoB, Passive Skill Tree & Gem Link Page

Affliction Ascendancy

The recommendation is to start with the Warden of the Maji in which we more or less only have use of 1 of the nodes which is Oath of the Maji allowing us to avoid putting gems in our boots for a significant increase in speed as we clear the campaign and early maps.
After this we don’t care for the other nodes but we do want to keep our eyes open for proper Charms that will allow us to move over to the Wildwood Primalist. This is something you’ll do either when you have charms and you’re ready to do the switch or when you become so socket starved as you progress that you no longer benefit from the Maji anymore. The type of Charms we utilize can be a large variety of modifiers a full comprehensive list of these can be found here: My personal recommendation is to aim for the “Onslaught” providing one (Guardian’s prefix) which is located on Intelligence or Strength based Charms, this will give you and nearby allies if 5 or more are in range the 20% attack, cast and movement speed increase! Second priority would be any sort of attributes and/or resistances which will help alleviate pressure on your gearing. This will fit on all budgets for this build.

Affliction Spectres

The recommended Spectres in this guide will work perfectly fine, however, Affliction league is offering a very specific mechanic that allows us to purchase corpses from a vendor, these range from different qualities and different type of monsters. As this entire topic is a very complex one I’ve decided to instead list the recommended options that could replace the original list in the guide should you chose to. Since these bad boys are a bit harder to get your hands on or can be expensive it’s hard to pin-point what budget they fit in. They are also not shareable. That said, feel free to join my in-game global channel by typing “/global 6666” in-game in which you can receive help with any questions just as much as in my stream channel over at twitch or the PoE-Vault Discord server for direct assistance with any guides.

  • Perfect Guardian Turtle – These can directly replace the need to run your Determination aura and instead offer you the possibility to add other auras not in the build guide such as Purity of Elements Purity of Elements which further boosts your defensive scaling to name one example. Do keep in mind that the Determination provided by the turtle is of lower scaling compared to using a level 20 gem yourself and should only be used in the low budget version of the build.

My recommendation is to only use the Perfect Guardian Turtle and replace the Pale Seraphim with it as both the Arena Master and the Demon Harpy are crazy high damage scaling options. This doesn’t mean you can’t change this defensive option for quality of life or offensive choices instead. There are plenty of other options most of which I talk about in this video that I’d recommend taking a look at if you want to try some different combinations our yourself:


A lot of the end-game gear can easily be crafted.
You can read more details about our gearing recommendations on the dedicated page. You’ll find a summarized version below.

Gear Page

Item Slot Item Name/Mods Rarity
Head Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Amulet Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Chest Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Gloves Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Boots Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Belt Darkness Enthroned Darkness Enthroned Unique
Rings Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Weapon The Scourge The Scourge or a rare Gemini Claw Gemini Claw for life/mana on hit with minion dmg and a trigger craft Unique/Rare
Shield Life then Res/Attributes as needed; can include “% chance to block spell dmg” Rare

Ascendancy, Bandits & Phanteon Recommendations

You can read about the Ascendancy, Bandit choice, and Pantheon Power recommendations for this build on our dedicated page.

Ascendancy, Bandit & Pantheon Power Page


You can level with Dominating Blow once you get the skill at level 28. Prior to that we’ll be aiming to use Summon Raging Spirit Summon Raging Spirit from level 8 & switching to Absolution Absolution at level 12. You can keep using Absolution if you’d like but at level 28 you’re able to make the switch to Dominating Blow if you’d prefer. Below you’ll find a quick TLDR whilst the PoB includes the levelling in more details!

We start of with generic spells as we are very limited in options at level 1:

  1. Freezing Pulse Freezing Pulse
  2. Arcane Surge Support Arcane Surge Support
  3. Frost Bomb Frost Bomb

Throwing in extras if you have the sockets for it is always nice such as Holy Flame Totem Holy Flame Totem as it provides extra damage & layers of safety vs bosses/harder rares. Once you reach level 8 we can get a Melee Splash Support Melee Splash Support or pick up an Infernal Legion Support Infernal Legion Support which will at level 8 allow us to level using Summon Raging Spirit Summon Raging Spirit:

  1. Summon Raging Spirit Summon Raging Spirit
  2. Minion Damage Support Minion Damage Support
  3. Melee Splash Support Melee Splash Support or Infernal Legion Support Infernal Legion Support

Once we hit level 12 we can now enable Absolution which will skyrocket our damage output significantly:

  1. Absolution Absolution
  2. Minion Damage Support Minion Damage Support
  3. Added Cold Damage Support Added Cold Damage Support or Added Lightning Damage Support Added Lightning Damage Support

Once at level 28 you have to decide whether or not you want to continue with Absolution or switch to Dominating Blow the links for Dominating Blow should be, in order of importance, as follows:

  1. Dominating Blow Dominating Blow
  2. Minion Damage Support Minion Damage Support
  3. Melee Splash Support Melee Splash Support
  4. Melee Physical Damage Support Melee Physical Damage Support

If you have a Tabula Rasa Tabula Rasa, the remaining two links while leveling should be:

  1. Ruthless Support Ruthless Support
  2. Fortify Support Fortify Support

For more general leveling advice, we recommend the following guides:


To guarantee that my guides are tools you can utilize to enhance your experience in Path of Exile, you may have questions. Please join the PoE Vault discord and they will attend to them as soon as possible.

Final Notes

As much as I love making build guides, it is very crucial in a game like Path of Exile that you play the game the way you enjoy playing it. With that said, if you’ve made any tweaks to the build compared to what I’m showing in this guide I would love it if you share in my discord! It’s an effective way to show other approaches and it helps me grow as a build guide creator!

I hope you found the build guide useful and I wish you all many Divine Orb Divine Orb drops!


  • Updated for Affliction 3.23

  • Added Gear Progression Added Medium budget PoB Changed High Budget PoB

  • Build is now updated for 3.22

  • 3.21 Crucible, added Animate Guardian and Spectre page

  • Build is now updated for 3.19 Lake of Kalandra.

For any questions or support please join our Discord (PoE-Vault Discord)