Ascendancy, Bandits and Pantheon Powers (PoE Necropolis)




_ Undeniable _
_ Untiring _
_ Unbreakable _
_ Unstoppable _


Kill everyone. We cannot gain any benefits from the alternatives that even remotely compare to 2 skill points.


Major Gods

_ Soul of Arakaali _ This helps mitigate degens, which is more or less the only big issue you should be facing.

Minor Gods

_ Soul of Garukhan _ This does a number of things for us. First of all, it largely negates shock, which is one of the few remaining ailments we are genuinely scared of. In addition, it also prevents us from getting blinded and maimed, which is a huge Quality of Life factor.


During the campaign, you will want to go Warden of the Maji to access the Oath of the Maji node. This gives us a tremendous movement speed boost or a massive elemental resistance boost. Tinctures hold up decently well in early maps, but as you get better charms you want to move into Primalist.

As we cannot play every build, every league, we unfortunately cannot test enough to provide a comprehensive list of every mod that benefits every build. Stop by and ask in the discord, and we’ll help you explore some options.

Charm list, in no particular order:

Conc ground you create applies X% increased damage taken to enemies / Create conc ground on hitting unique (package, don’t use one without having the other mod
Chance to gain Frenzy charge on hit (would mean one could drop the mark nodes and spend them elsewhere)
Culling Strike – Rather useful against trash, already active against bosses due to mark nodes
Magic Utility flasks have extra effect – strong, but likely way too expensive
Impales last additional – strong, but likely too expensive when paired with anything
Melee hits have chance to fortify – This means you can drop fortify support, and use a real support. This is huge.
Chaos resistance per endurance charge
#% of leech is instant – this mod is HUGE
Reservation efficiency

For any questions or support please join our Discord (PoE-Vault Discord)